My Life with Lorne
33 years ago I left the corporate world in Edmonton to pursue my dream of painting by the ocean on Vancouver Island. But without knowledge of sales and marketing, or the support of former clients it wasn't the fairy tale that I had envisioned. I was on the verge of returning to my former job, when Lorne appeared in my life. He was my “Knight in shining Armour”. At that time he was president of the Cumberland Chamber of Commerce. He taught me about the business end of the art world.
My art began to flourish. We did shows together and enjoyed bus loads of tourists that came right to our home studio and gallery. My dreams were becoming a reality. In Oct 1999 we married.
Approximately 17 years ago I began to recognize the signs of Dementia in Lorne. I coped for a few years, but when I couldn't manage anymore he attended the Adult Day Program and as of 1.5 years ago he was fortunate to be accepted into the pilot project in MV2 at the Views.
This pilot project is a model for the Home for Us care concept. Here he is given more independence, more choices, more attention. There are always many physical and mental activities happening everyday, if he wishes to join in. Because there are more staff on each shift than in a normal public long term care facility, they are able to spend more quality time with each of the residents. Get to know them on a more personal level. Lorne has always been a night owl, sundowning and wandering at night, not able to sleep. They have dealt with those problems with a few tweaks. The staff have his favorite arm chair right in the nursing station. Usually Winston, the resident cat, will be on Lorne’s lap.
They watch late night movies together with other resident “night Owls”.
The nurses are constantly adjusting his medications, which are helping him sleep at night. When able, the residents are more involved in the daily chores; folding napkins & making sandwiches.
I try to see Lorne almost every day, but I never have to worry about him. He has an entire, caring team watching over him.
He is always happy. For that I am so grateful.